Attention former A&P, Waldbaum, Pathmark, and Food Emporium employees. A&P and various parties, including the UFCW and UFCW local unions, are discussing how to bring an end to the A&P Bankruptcy and provide for some distribution on relevant employee and other administrative claims, which are claims that were earned after the bankruptcy filing. It is important that A&P have your current mailing address if your address has changed since the bankruptcy. If your mailing address has changed since 2015, please provide your old mailing address, new mailing address, the location of the last A&P/Food Emporium/Pathmark/Waldbaum’s store where you worked, and the local union which represented you, to . If you still have your A&P employee number please provide that as well. We will report on future developments.


Attention Local 1500 members,

We have been working hard to get our essential members access to the Covid-19 vaccine.  So far we have been successful working with the Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone’s office.  As of today they have up to 128 doses available for Local 1500 members this week. Please see the following requirements:

1. You are a current member of Local 1500.
2. You live or work in Suffolk County.
3. You are available this Thursday (2/4) and Friday (2/5) between 4pm and 6pm.

If you are eligible based on all three points above, you must email to request an appointment. You must provide your full name, store name and number where you work, and a phone number where you can be reached directly with appointment information. If we are unable to reach you we will have to reach out to the next member on the list.  These limited number of appointments will be on a first-come first-served basis and will come to us without any real structure.  Please be advised that we will be putting out emails like this every time we have doses made available to our members so that we can help guide you through the process.

You should be aware that we have been working with all municipalities throughout our jurisdiction, either directly or indirectly, to seek available Covid-19 vaccines for our members.  For today it is in Suffolk County, but hopefully this will grow in the coming days and weeks.  As soon as we have any other information about available vaccines anywhere we will let you know.

Stay safe and healthy!

Pension Plan Update

Please watch this very important video from President Newell addressing the changes to your retirement benefits. Most of your questions regarding the Local 1500 Pension Fund and Annuity Fund will be answered in this video. If you have any additional questions, please email them to If you still have questions specific to the Local 1500 Annuity Fund, email If you have Pension-specific questions, please email them to You may also visit to check your Pension Summary Plan Description.



If you’re a member of Local 1500 and may need help proving your eligibility as a grocery store employee to get the COVID-19 vaccine, please see your shop steward. The Union has provided your shop steward with a letter stating you are a grocery worker.
*This letter is only for members of Local 1500*


Attention Local 1500 members working in Stop & Shop:
Local 1500 along with other UFCW Locals in Region 1 have been able to negotiate an additional payment for your hazard pay with Stop & Shop.
There is a one-time payment of:
$300 for Full-Timers and $150 for Part-Timers.
Payouts are scheduled to be distributed on February 4th, 2021. 
We believe our members deserve more than what the Company has agreed to pay out at this time, and Local 1500 will continue to push for hazard pay until the virus is no longer a threat for our members.
Thank you for being a member of our Union and remember Local 1500 will never stop fighting on your behalf.
Stay safe, stay strong & stay United.




Your Union Negotiating Committee is happy to announce that this afternoon we reached a tentative agreement!  

Bargaining contracts always proves to be challenging.  This was our first-ever set of negotiations that were held virtually, and we were faced with the additional challenges of negotiating from a distance. 

Although via Zoom, Your Stop & Shop negotiating committee showed up ready to succeed and indicated to the Company that they meant business from the onset.  We are pleased to report that the rank and file Negotiating Committee members unanimously recommend this settlement.

Contract Voting will be held Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week at 14 Stop & Shop stores.

Follow us on Social Media for more detailed information on voting.


-Your Local 1500 Stop & Shop Negotiating Committee