Member Spotlight

Charlie White

Lelia Ikeazor

Lelia Ikeazor is a Department Manager of 7 years at Shop Rite. She has been working in the supermarket industry since she was 18 years old and has earned the prestigious title of "Shop Steward". As a department manager of the Front End, she is in charge of the cashiers and service clerks. 

Danny Martinez

Check out our latest Member Spotlight, Danny Martinez!

Bryan Palefsky

Bryan Palefsky has been in the supermarket industry since 1994. Today, he serves as the Dairy Frozen Food Manager at Scatturo's and is a proud member of UFCW Local 1500, which he joined in 2014.

Anthony Martinez

Since joining Gourmet Glatt in 2015, Anthony Martinez has been a steadfast presence in the Customer Service Department, earning a reputation as a reliable and dependable colleague. He joined UFCW Local 1500 on June 1st 2023.

Emily Mazzullo

Emily Mazzullo is the back up Shop Steward for Stop & Shop Baymore, while also being the head of the floral department. Emily is also the chairwoman of the Pride ARG group within Stop & Shop. As the chairwoman she helps provide management with resources on how to be more inclusive, and how to stay aware of the sensitivities of others within the 2SLGBTQ+ community. 

Robert Shuford

Robert Shuford began his career in Stop & Shop on September 30th, 2001 where he works as a night crew chief. He has always been an assiduous person, who always strives to do his best. On May 25th, 2023, Robert did more than his best and became a hero!

Danny Gleason

Danny (Daniel) Gleason is the dairy manager at King Kullen. He began working in the supermarket industry in 1989, and has been a UFCW Local 1500 member since. Danny has been a UFCW Local 1500 Executive Board member for the last 18 years.

Keith Lewis

Keith Lewis has been a member of Matlyn Key Food for 10 years. He works as a price integrity coordinator. As a 10-year member Keith has had a number of union representatives, but one in particular stands out to him.

Alicia Boake

In 1987 Alicia Boake began her career as a part-time employee in the Baldwin Pathmark. It was also in that same year, that Alicia developed her relationship with UFCW Local 1500.

Adam Glamore

Adam Glamore began his career as a part-timer with Stop & Shop in the produce department in 2000. Adam officially became a Local 1500 Member in December of 2000.

Yave Infante

Yave Infante is a Full-Time member of Wild by Nature who works in the deli department. Yave Infante has been a UFCW Local 1500 member for almost 15 years.

John Fanzo

John Fanzo has been a UFCW Local 1500 member for the last 16 years, and continues being a proud and vocal member.

Eric Jimenez

Eric Jimenez began his prestigious career in the grocery industry in 1987 and has been a UFCW Local 1500 member for the last 20 years.

Kenny Jones, Fairway

Fairway has grown into the supermarket giant they are today because of people like Kenny Jones.

Peter Hoffman, Stop & Shop

Peter Hoffman is one of the most dedicated, positive union members in UFCW Local 1500.

Artan Shabani

Artan Shabani began his career in 2010 in Yonkers as a night crew clerk because he wanted a job that had union benefits. He was eventually transferred to another Shop Rite location as a full time employee in 2013. With his hard work and attention to detail, Artan was quickly promoted to the non-food manager which is his current held position.

Kim Nicholas-Allen

Kim Nicholas-Allen is the lead clerk for the HBC Department. Kim has worked at Stop & Shop for 3 years.

Richard Livingston

In 1956 a 16 year old Robert Livingston took his first job making $1.05 an hour, working to build and prepare for the opening of a First National Store in Tarrytown, New York.

Barbara Balos

Mineola, NY - In her 25 years with UFCW Local 1500, Barbara Balos, 48, has helped run several major chain supermarkets throughout the city.

Yarixa Rodriquez

Yarixa “Yaya” Rodriguez is our latest Member Spotlight. She is a member of Stop & Shop and is the head of the customer service department.

Juan “Juanito” Gadea-Alvarez

Juan Gadea-Alvarez also known as Juanito, started working in the Shop Rite maintenance department in 1996.

James “Hutch” Hutcherson

Hearing someone yell out, “Hutch!” is pretty normal at PickQuick.  After spending a morning with the warm, hardworking  cornerstone at PickQuick Foods, it's easy to see why he was recommended to by his peers to be given a UFCW Local 1500 Member Spotlight. 

Jimmy Wong, Pathmark

You get the sense from spending some time with Jimmy that he loves to laugh and enjoy life. Jimmy Wong started working at Pathmark when he was 16-years old.

Isha Matko: Gristedes

Isha Matko might have the best smile in the grocery industry today. But don’t let her smile fool you, she’s one of the toughest Shop Stewards

Recommend a Member

To recommend a UFCW Local 1500 member for a Spotlight, please fill out the Member Spotlight Recommendation Form.  You can recommend yourself, a friend, coworker, or anyone you want!