Union To Reach Out To County District Attorney’s and Regulatory Agencies
WESTBURY, NEW YORK (11/19/2013)(readMedia)– United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1500 has been informed that Stop and Shop Supermarkets will begin to hire temporary replacement workers in anticipation of a possible lockout by the company. The stores affected are located in Long Island, the five boroughs, Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess Counties. The company would have to hire over 6,000 replacement workers to cover all of the positions in their stores.
“The hiring of replacement workers is an idea that is so unspeakable to New Yorkers it truly shows the absolute disconnect Stop and Shop management has not only with its workers, but more importantly, their shoppers,” said Anthony Speelman, Secretary-Treasurer of UFCW Local 1500 and lead negotiator for the union’s Stop and Shop Negotiating Committee. “New York State has the largest percentage of Union households in the Country and many of those members live in the affected areas. I have no doubt these fellow Union members will stand proudly by their brothers and sisters employed by Stop and Shop and shop at the many Union alternatives such as Pathmark, Shop Rite, King Kullen, Fairway, Waldbaums, A&P, Key Food, Gristedes and D’Agostinos’ during this holiday season.,” Speelman stated.
“Furthermore, I think Stop and Shop management has misjudged their customers in believing they will spend their hard earned money in a store with temporary and inexperienced cashiers as well as individuals that handle food, label prices and are responsible for making sure perishable products are not out of date,” Speelman continued. “Therefore, we will be informing the District Attorneys from each county, as well as all agencies that monitor Supermarkets, to be prepared for a dramatic increase in consumer complaints and urge them to be proactive in holding Stop and Shop accountable,” Speelman concluded.
The Union will increase it’s far reaching public relations campaign to hundreds of thousands of Union members through the New York State AFL-CIO and its affiliated labor councils. Additionally, UFCW Local 1500 will continue to seek support from elected officials and community organizations
United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1500, based out of Westbury, New York represents grocery workers in New York City, Long Island, Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess Counties. Members of Local 1500 are employed by A&P/Pathmark, Fairway, Stop and Shop, Gristedes, D’Agostinos, Key Food, Shop Rite and King Kullen. Stay up to date with UFCW Local 1500 on twitter@ufcw1500,facebook.com/ufcw1500,www.ufcw1500.org.