Every day there is a risk that a member could get hurt on the job. As much as possible should be done to prevent injuries through workplace safety training and practices. In addition, it should be ensured that working conditions are as safe as possible. However, accidents can and will happen in our industry. The best way to avoid injuries on the job is by working safely, not taking risks and reporting any unsafe working conditions or equipment to your manager and to your Union Representative and shop steward as soon as you notice them. Your Union Representatives do monthly safety inspections in all of your stores to identify any issues and get them resolved prior to them becoming the cause of a workplace injury.
If you are injured on the job, the first thing you should do is to report it to your store manager and go get evaluated by a physician (if necessary). If your injury is minor, you may treat the injury at the store but you should ALWAYS report it to the store manager on the day the injury happens. Every worksite is required to have a number of properly stocked first-aid kits on site and they should be readily available. Please remember that if you need medical attention you should seek it immediately and make sure to tell the doctor that the injury occurred at work.
If you’re injured on the job, whether you lose time or not, you may be entitled to Workers Compensation benefits and we recommend that you speak with an attorney. We deal with an extremely competent law firm that can help guide you in any workplace injury situation but you are not required to use them. If you choose to use them feel free to contact Vic Fusco at Fusco, Brandenstein & Rada to learn more about your rights and get advice on what to do next. No matter what, DO NOT be afraid to ask questions!
Fusco, Brandenstein & Rada, P.C. is the metropolitan area’s leading Workers Compensation & Social Security Disability law firm. Their administrative headquarters is located in Woodbury, New York and we offer the convenience of 8 additional satellite offices in Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens, Uniondale, Commack and Medford. Call Toll Free 1-800-416-5454
The New York State Department of Labor is the official site to find out answers to questions about workplace injuries, how to treat them, how to file a claim, getting independent medical exams, etc. Go to their page for this helpful information and more.